I still like these posts a -lot- so here they are
Involuntary cybernetics
| 6:06 AM (6 hours ago) ![]() | ![]() ![]() | ||
Hi mom! Don't call the police. [I also sent this to my mom. LOL. She doesn't really know what's been done to me. But I told it so well I added her]
Everybody! Hear me, again
tl;dr: cybernetic man-machine interfaces are feasible and there are
already high-tech ones we don't know about yet. The technology will
filter into universities, laboratories and corporations until useful
brain implants are commonplace. Eventually. Right now, though, it's
designated utterly black, and if you look into human brain
implantation the industrial quantities of disinfo on the subject
should prove that. Read on
I feel pretty strong right now (just hit me with your best shot. I'm
pretty much perfect) so I'm mailing the main Singularity list, for the
first time in a long time (plz no ban), with something so totally
astronomically removed from the stuff I've been on about lately that
this consitutes a major tangent, even, I'd say, a flip-flop. What I am
about to present for your approval is not even orthogonal to the
subject of UFO's, psychedelics, and a gnostic singularity. It's a
whole other can of worms. And it constitutes a personal problem.
I won't come out with the boilerplate about being a victim. This is
about what they stuck in my body in 2008, which started communicating
Jan 1 2010. Why did they let me know I had it, by making it suddenly
start to bug me? Why not spy on me and steer me beneath the level of
my awareness, for the years and years it evidently lasts? It's like
they were giving me clearance. I -assumed- it was to discredit me by
getting me to talk about it. So many mysteries.
It's an implant. It can read my thoughts. It can see my mental
pictures. It can send "silent speech" (Google that, try adding MKULTRA
if you're feeling brave) to form words I can't hear but can
understand. It sends its own mental pictures, electric hallucinations,
that make fun of me and make mean jokes like some kind of bully. In
the second thing I'll link here, it says, they may try to make you
believe it's a game to them, but it is deadly serious. But sometimes I
wonder how serious they are.
I really think these people have learned a little from me in four
years of watching me and two years of back-and-forth with me. I've
told them drugs scare me more than they do and that they can't do
anything of the class and scope of what acid has done to me in the
past, even if they kill me. That I'm a connoisseur of experiences so
hard core and bizarre that no matter what they do, I'm not going to
trip up, I'm not going to hurt myself, I'm not going to get angry or
sad or hurt. I've become like a space opera superman after two years
of this. I'm a hero
Everyone has a private place they can close their eyes and go to. I
live without one now. I hope I can show I'm still pretty
high-functioning. They do terrible things to me sometimes (the NWO,
the CIA, Scientology, the Moonies, China, the Jews, the Reptiles, the
Greys, whatever stinking front or lie is responsible). The worst part
is it's all stone cold real. Scout's honour...
So I hit this girl with two letters last night after a long
conversation the day before where she found a lot of ways to
philosophically tell me I'm definitely just mental. I compared it to
being told a UFO was just swamp gas by someone who won't leave it
alone. This is a metaphor: you say, "it didn't look like swamp gas",
and they go, "have you ever seen swamp gas?" So you say, "it looked
like a space ship." And they repeat the question. So you say, "does
swamp gas look like spaceships?" Sounds like a good rebuttal, right?
Well, a person in the religiously skeptical mode -- a person whose
world model is sealed to modification and doesn't include the baroque
and bizarre when it can avoid it -- would answer...
"It probably could," or, "maybe", or, "sometimes." If the skeptic had
-also- never seen swamp gas, it'd be ever better for them, they'd have
no idea, like you, if swamp gas regularly resembled space ships, and
it leaves the door open to me being crazy, which is all they'll ever
be willing to believe. But our argument was not about a UFO. It was
about my brain implant.
The worst part about that thought experiment is it juxtaposes UFO's
which are wonderfully good with my brain implant which is wonderfully
bad. Like the first thing I said in this mailing... they are different
My experience, if it's real, and -I- am telling you it is, FWIW -- I
could say a lot about knowing the nature of delusion and having fought
delusion, being a connoisseur of hallucinations and being able to
actually tell the difference between internal and external events, and
go on and on trying to convince you I'm reliable, but most people have
more faith in the myths about mental health than they have in their
friends and family, it turns out, much less in a stranger -- my
experience if real, ah, shows that a human brain -can- be
cybernetically enhanced. OK? Brain implants we -know about- are
supposed to scar over and stop working in 2-3 years but I've had this
one FOUR. So look forward to VR, stim-sense, gaming, entertainment,
telephony, and web browsing right in your own skull, in a decade or
three. I know it's possible from experience.
That's why I sent this to Singularity ._.
It's just two emails I sent that girl I mentioned (about a hundred
paragraphs back now). They link a movie and a web site. Maybe none of
this is new to anyone. Sorry
-- one --
Hi Mary. A movie
I only watched the first segment and I think without being paranoid
(it's pretty good) it kind of shows how there are people who think of
people as machines to be manipulated and used
I think Pavlov's dog is such a stupid study. Like, so he 'discovered'
the dog salivates at the sound of the dinner bell. Wouldn't it? Don't
we all salivate at the sound of the dinner bell? Or whatever? It seems
unremarkable to me. But view animals as machines... as objects... and
I guess suddenly it's fascinating... you can "force" it to salivate...
it's not the obvious "he knows food is coming", it becomes, "look at
that, we can make it do things"
That became brain implants and stuff like this. For real. Look how
early they started. The 20's or something.
I've only watched part 1. About to search up the rest. It's only 9
minutes. Peeeeace >_>
-- two --
Here's something else that -does- seem paranoid to people who don't
know how much of it is real and how much of it is fake. I could tell
some of it is fake (like, he talks about microwaves, never implants --
IRL they seem to prefer implants to energy weapons, but I'm no expert)
IRL means "in real life"
I said "in real life" to my pal Scott last night and started to really
laugh. I thought, who am I to talk about "real life" to anyone? -My-
reality is so far from the consensus one that no-one would agree it's
real life at all. And if they were to somehow see my reality, it
wouldn't even seem real to them, because it's so bizarre! So how can I
even use the words real life!
The long and short of it is they would have martyred me and enhanced
my advocacy if I was found with a bullet in my brain. Instead they
strove to make me take my own life so it would look like the last
desperate crazy act of a degenerated schizo who'd already been
complaining about stalking then implants. Dumb. They hate people
They hate -certain- people. At least I'm taking comfort lately in the
fact that the people who know for sure what's being done to me, people
who are in on it, -aren't- free to talk about it... it's a secret
they're sworn to keep. It's totally black. They can talk to each other
about it but that's just a dirty clique. They have to hide their
knowledge of the fascinating shit they're doing to me, from all their
friends, family, every other person without clearance. Me -- I can
tell whoever I want! I'm free to. They're the ones controlling the
implant, but that doesn't give them freedom! It doesn't even take away
mine! That's such a nice thought
OK. I was gonna leave you alone for a long time now but instead I
decided to send you those two things >_<
Pz n luv
flamot eric b
I said I wouldn't bug her with this stuff too much but I changed my
mind. That's all folks. ILU ALL, FLAMOOT
Everybody! Hear me, again
tl;dr: cybernetic man-machine interfaces are feasible and there are
already high-tech ones we don't know about yet. The technology will
filter into universities, laboratories and corporations until useful
brain implants are commonplace. Eventually. Right now, though, it's
designated utterly black, and if you look into human brain
implantation the industrial quantities of disinfo on the subject
should prove that. Read on
I feel pretty strong right now (just hit me with your best shot. I'm
pretty much perfect) so I'm mailing the main Singularity list, for the
first time in a long time (plz no ban), with something so totally
astronomically removed from the stuff I've been on about lately that
this consitutes a major tangent, even, I'd say, a flip-flop. What I am
about to present for your approval is not even orthogonal to the
subject of UFO's, psychedelics, and a gnostic singularity. It's a
whole other can of worms. And it constitutes a personal problem.
I won't come out with the boilerplate about being a victim. This is
about what they stuck in my body in 2008, which started communicating
Jan 1 2010. Why did they let me know I had it, by making it suddenly
start to bug me? Why not spy on me and steer me beneath the level of
my awareness, for the years and years it evidently lasts? It's like
they were giving me clearance. I -assumed- it was to discredit me by
getting me to talk about it. So many mysteries.
It's an implant. It can read my thoughts. It can see my mental
pictures. It can send "silent speech" (Google that, try adding MKULTRA
if you're feeling brave) to form words I can't hear but can
understand. It sends its own mental pictures, electric hallucinations,
that make fun of me and make mean jokes like some kind of bully. In
the second thing I'll link here, it says, they may try to make you
believe it's a game to them, but it is deadly serious. But sometimes I
wonder how serious they are.
I really think these people have learned a little from me in four
years of watching me and two years of back-and-forth with me. I've
told them drugs scare me more than they do and that they can't do
anything of the class and scope of what acid has done to me in the
past, even if they kill me. That I'm a connoisseur of experiences so
hard core and bizarre that no matter what they do, I'm not going to
trip up, I'm not going to hurt myself, I'm not going to get angry or
sad or hurt. I've become like a space opera superman after two years
of this. I'm a hero
Everyone has a private place they can close their eyes and go to. I
live without one now. I hope I can show I'm still pretty
high-functioning. They do terrible things to me sometimes (the NWO,
the CIA, Scientology, the Moonies, China, the Jews, the Reptiles, the
Greys, whatever stinking front or lie is responsible). The worst part
is it's all stone cold real. Scout's honour...
So I hit this girl with two letters last night after a long
conversation the day before where she found a lot of ways to
philosophically tell me I'm definitely just mental. I compared it to
being told a UFO was just swamp gas by someone who won't leave it
alone. This is a metaphor: you say, "it didn't look like swamp gas",
and they go, "have you ever seen swamp gas?" So you say, "it looked
like a space ship." And they repeat the question. So you say, "does
swamp gas look like spaceships?" Sounds like a good rebuttal, right?
Well, a person in the religiously skeptical mode -- a person whose
world model is sealed to modification and doesn't include the baroque
and bizarre when it can avoid it -- would answer...
"It probably could," or, "maybe", or, "sometimes." If the skeptic had
-also- never seen swamp gas, it'd be ever better for them, they'd have
no idea, like you, if swamp gas regularly resembled space ships, and
it leaves the door open to me being crazy, which is all they'll ever
be willing to believe. But our argument was not about a UFO. It was
about my brain implant.
The worst part about that thought experiment is it juxtaposes UFO's
which are wonderfully good with my brain implant which is wonderfully
bad. Like the first thing I said in this mailing... they are different
My experience, if it's real, and -I- am telling you it is, FWIW -- I
could say a lot about knowing the nature of delusion and having fought
delusion, being a connoisseur of hallucinations and being able to
actually tell the difference between internal and external events, and
go on and on trying to convince you I'm reliable, but most people have
more faith in the myths about mental health than they have in their
friends and family, it turns out, much less in a stranger -- my
experience if real, ah, shows that a human brain -can- be
cybernetically enhanced. OK? Brain implants we -know about- are
supposed to scar over and stop working in 2-3 years but I've had this
one FOUR. So look forward to VR, stim-sense, gaming, entertainment,
telephony, and web browsing right in your own skull, in a decade or
three. I know it's possible from experience.
That's why I sent this to Singularity ._.
It's just two emails I sent that girl I mentioned (about a hundred
paragraphs back now). They link a movie and a web site. Maybe none of
this is new to anyone. Sorry
-- one --
Hi Mary. A movie
I only watched the first segment and I think without being paranoid
(it's pretty good) it kind of shows how there are people who think of
people as machines to be manipulated and used
I think Pavlov's dog is such a stupid study. Like, so he 'discovered'
the dog salivates at the sound of the dinner bell. Wouldn't it? Don't
we all salivate at the sound of the dinner bell? Or whatever? It seems
unremarkable to me. But view animals as machines... as objects... and
I guess suddenly it's fascinating... you can "force" it to salivate...
it's not the obvious "he knows food is coming", it becomes, "look at
that, we can make it do things"
That became brain implants and stuff like this. For real. Look how
early they started. The 20's or something.
I've only watched part 1. About to search up the rest. It's only 9
minutes. Peeeeace >_>
-- two --
Here's something else that -does- seem paranoid to people who don't
know how much of it is real and how much of it is fake. I could tell
some of it is fake (like, he talks about microwaves, never implants --
IRL they seem to prefer implants to energy weapons, but I'm no expert)
IRL means "in real life"
I said "in real life" to my pal Scott last night and started to really
laugh. I thought, who am I to talk about "real life" to anyone? -My-
reality is so far from the consensus one that no-one would agree it's
real life at all. And if they were to somehow see my reality, it
wouldn't even seem real to them, because it's so bizarre! So how can I
even use the words real life!
The long and short of it is they would have martyred me and enhanced
my advocacy if I was found with a bullet in my brain. Instead they
strove to make me take my own life so it would look like the last
desperate crazy act of a degenerated schizo who'd already been
complaining about stalking then implants. Dumb. They hate people
They hate -certain- people. At least I'm taking comfort lately in the
fact that the people who know for sure what's being done to me, people
who are in on it, -aren't- free to talk about it... it's a secret
they're sworn to keep. It's totally black. They can talk to each other
about it but that's just a dirty clique. They have to hide their
knowledge of the fascinating shit they're doing to me, from all their
friends, family, every other person without clearance. Me -- I can
tell whoever I want! I'm free to. They're the ones controlling the
implant, but that doesn't give them freedom! It doesn't even take away
mine! That's such a nice thought
OK. I was gonna leave you alone for a long time now but instead I
decided to send you those two things >_<
Pz n luv
flamot eric b
I said I wouldn't bug her with this stuff too much but I changed my
mind. That's all folks. ILU ALL, FLAMOOT
| 6:21 AM (6 hours ago) ![]() | ![]() ![]() | ||
people smart and free. I worked on all my friends and family to get
them to try it. And they listened to me. But they also watched me
closely for a long time to see if I wigged or died, like rats with a
new kind of food. For years I only benefitted from those drugs and was
proud to show them that. I felt like a shining example.
Then something came to shut me down, and shut me up, and suddenly I
had crazy complaints. If I did myself in because of them, the papers
would say, "Acid-Lover, Fungus Fan, Sees Stalkers, Claims Implants,
Kills Self". So there was no escape. I had to fight and fight. I still
had to make people understand I was -good-. That those drugs are
-good-. It's just now I knew about things that were -bad- too.
I normally don't discuss them both at the same time. When I feel very
strong I'll just go ahead and tell people everything I know. But if I
encounter resistance when telling people about drugs I don't go on to
mention my brain implant, they'd go, "duhh! Those drugs are obviously
why you think you have a brain implant!" And if people think I'm crazy
already for talking about my implant, I don't mention any drugs...
which are my great love, and all I really want to talk about,
normally. It's just now brain implants from the CIA are important to
me too. For stupid horrible reasons
It's a quagmire. Luv luv luv. Flamoot
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