Synchronicity Database

Welcome to the synchronicity database!

Now we can apprehend and render transparent the idiosyncracies, impossibilities and theatrical tendencies of the cosmos.

It's easy:

Operating Instructions

0. Fill in your name under "name", if you like.

1. In the field labelled "elements", list everything that was relevant to the synchronicity. Separate items with commas. For instance, if the synchronicity involved seeing the Pepsi logo in proximity to a depiction of a dog in three different places that day, list "pepsi logo", "dog" and each of the three places you saw it -- for instance:
pepsi logo, dog, restaurant, billboard, manhole
That is the proper format for the "elements" field. It's okay if there was only one element, too. This is how the fing is cross-indexed so try to come up with at least one element.

2. In the field labelled "notes", record something about the nature of the synchronicity; more or less what happened and why it strikes you as significant. You know. A little story. Something nice.

3. Your synchronicity will be given a name and stored in the database. You will be given links to every other synchronicity in the database involving the elements you listed in the "elements" field.

4. Profit!

Now then:



If you want to search the database instead, enter some keywords (currently this only matches elements but I'll soon add an option to search names and notes as well, honest):

Match any keyword
Match all keywords

If you're wondering where everyone else's synchronicities are, you can view all synchronicities submitted so far.

There are a total of 28 entries in the synchrodb.

rbaseit. : the synchronicity database, mister snee, you
I wrote the synchronicity database and you are now using it. :O
-- snee

Notamuch : key, dresser, banner ad, slashdot
This morning I noticed a large, antique-looking key on Asher's dresser and didn't ask her about it. A few hours later I saw an extremely similar key in a banner ad for an O'Reilly book on Slashdot. Not much of a synchronicity really but it's what prompted me to write the db! ^-^
-- snee

INin : girl, perky tits, Kingston, Canada, Leeds, England
I knew this girl with perky tits in Kingston in Canada and I came to Leeds in England and there was another girl with perky tits who looks amost exactly the same and talks the same and acts the same and ahhhhhh
-- Prussian Snow

fad,wasfuture,QUICK-FIXES : street, bushman, buchanan, technology
Graham and I were having a lovely drive out in the country tonight and I was talking about how in a few decades technology will inevitably be viewed, in retrospect, as a passing fad, a system of symptomatic quick-fixes and cover-ups long obsolesced. Whilst ruminating on a technology-less future, we turned onto a road called "Buchanan", but which Graham somehow mis-read as "Bushman"! Bushman? Holy crap! Only when turning around and going back past did he correct himself.
-- snee

QUACKSremember : duck, quack, river
I was talking to this guy at this river at night about duck's quacks and how they say they don't echo, but they do. I don't remember why we started talking about this. Something someone said about things echoing, I think. Anyway, so he said that they don't echo, and I said I read some study or something saying that they do, and then a duck quacked!! :O :O :O
-- snee

Spacerelate : pepsi logo, dog, restaurant, billboard, manhole
It's very possible that these could somehow relate to a Weird Conspiracy Involving Space Aliens.
-- someone

newlythypmpkn : pumpkin, the internet
We were thinking about making a jack-o-lantern to look like a homestarrunner character, so I went online to the homestar site and they were newly advertising a series of character themed pumpkin stencils, to print out. It was neat.
-- Clem

rock.......Hmm : rock, stone, pebble
.......Hmm :/
-- Cybo

peopleslphomework : people work home sleep
fucking stupid ass wal-mart
-- Second "G"

bskt." : silence of the lambs, lotion in the basket, television, movie
Emma and I turned on the TV the other day and put it to some UHF station where there was no video, just static, but there was audio, and after listening to it for a few seconds we recognized it as Silence Of The Lambs. It was a scene with Buffalo Bill and I said to Emma "oh damn, I think I missed 'it puts the lotion in the basket'" since that line is hilarious, but as i said it BUFFALO BILL SAID IT AT THE EXACT SAME TIME IN PERFECT UNISON WITH ME. "It puts the lotion in the basket." Weird!
-- snee

WHILEPINK : lyrics, pink floyd, /usr/games/fortune, linux
I was rebooting a Linux server at work and while it was POST'ing I had the first two lines of "Another Brick In The Wall (Part II)" stuck in my head -- "we don't need no education, we don't need no thought control". I don't know why, but it went around and around in my head while the machine booted up. Then when I logged in, fortune gave me that quote for my log-in quote dealie!! :O
-- snee

bobsledLAWNbobsled : cat, bobsled, lawn
odd coincidence
-- someone

glassMENTIONEDfront : graffiti, glass pipe, eye of horus, birthday gift
Okay. So Emma's birthday party was the other day and her lovely roommate Jen bought her this very attractive blue glass pipe dealie. On the front there was a bubble with the Eye Of Horus in it, and Emma mentioned it specifically. The next day, on the way back from seeing Kill Bill, I happened to glance over at a graffito on a wall to my left and it said "HORUS"! Crazy.
-- snee

mmZany! : monopoly, dream, telepathy and stuff
I had this dream while visiting Emma for her birthday. In it, I played someone at two PC versions of Monopoly, both of which I had on my 286 when I was younger. It struck me weird for some reason but I forgot about it soon after waking up. Later that morning, though, it came back to me, and I said "of course! Monopoly!" Emma gaped at me, and said "I was just thinking that very same word seconds before you said it! I don't even know what made me think of it." Zany!
-- snee

snowfallthe : First snowfall, grocery stores, arm injuries.
Last year, on the first snowfall of the season, I slipped in the parking lot in front of Zehrs going to work. Banged up my arm and sprained my wrist. This year, first snowfall of the season I was in Aurora at a Dominion, and slipped, landing on my arm.
-- Dain Bramaged

girl : bus, sign, exhale
The other day I heard a girl on the bus sigh loudly at the exact same time as I read a sign that said "EXHALE". :O
-- Snee

ofone : infected mushrooms, krall, maha saraswathi
I was looking over some random kids live journal and noted that one of his interest were "infected mushrooms". At the time I had no idea what this was but it stood out to me as a really funny name that no doubt belonged to some British IDM band or something of that rot. At any rate, a few moments later Krall messaged me on ICU and said, "INFECTED MUSHROOMS JUST POPPED INTO MY HEAD...". I didn't know what to say. This sort of thing seems to happen a lot with one Mister Krall Opian.
-- Sciento-magican

bySONGinHm : Audio/Visual Halucinations, Venus Hum, Basement, Night, Alone
I was up at 4 o clock in the morning, and suddenly started seeing things flit around in my peripheral vision, and hear things behind me. I was playing the song HUMMINGBIRDS by Venus Hum VERY LOUD.
-- Faber

atoldstrange."matchstick : krall, matchsticks, crazy
Today a girlfriend came into class and told us to rent "matchstick men". Later on in the day just before I went offline Krall stopped me and said, "ASHER ONE LAST THING I rented MATCHSTICK men tonight". Krall is strange.
-- Asher

SHOWnight,overbunch : magic pill, television, mister show, ecstacy
Just as a bunch of us were about to swallow some drugs one night, during the break in the conversation when we all took some water to do it with, the soundtrack of the Mister Show DVD that Adi brought over said: "if you'll all take the magic pills I've provided..." Uncanny!
-- snee

I'LLthink : 420, cannabis, work, cat-5 cable
Okay, I got way too stoned before going to work and when I got there my throat was all scratchy and I think my eyes were turning pink, because I was dehydrated, and my boss was like "are you sick?" and without thinking I said "no..." and then it was fairly clear that the tacit understanding was that I Had Been Smoking. Smoking what? Who knooows! Anyway, so the first thing I did after that exchange was go to plug a network cable into the back of a server, and on that cable was some serial number or something which was cut off where the cable entered the end, you know? Anyway, the 3 numbers that were visible were "420". There are LOTS of 420 synchronicities that happen to me. Maybe I'll start remembering to log 'em here. :|
-- someone

orknow?Itruck : trucks, truck drivers, cocaine, speed
Every time Clemn or I mention the fact that we've had lots of truck synchronicities lately, one happens. A truck will -appear- if one of us mentions trucks. You know? And the trucks often bear symbols or text which one of us saw earlier, something related to something we were discussing or... deep synchronicity crap like that. Also all truck drivers take tons of coke and speed.
-- snee

LABstrtdHorrible : Dogs, evil, movies
Horrible dogs outside my roommate's window started barking while we were watching the scene in Resident Evil where Milia Jovovich walks into the lab where the blood-dead-zombie-dogs have escaped from.
-- Asher

blurbBLURBFRIENDS : friends, tv, rage
So while reading I noted a little blurb about the final episode of Friends -just as I heard the theme song playing from some evil-box-o-rage.
-- Asher

similarwhentoI : google, random, snee, journal, past
I found this site by Googling the random non-word "snee" and was startled to find accounts of thoughts, observations and experiences eerily similar to my own journal entries of the late 1970s and early 1980s, when I was in my late teens and early twenties.
-- Romulus

GoogleTHErsn : day of the jackal, novel, movie review, shrek 2
Heh. Last night I was reading Day Of The Jackal in the bathroom, because it happened to be in the drawer next to me. Today, it was mentioned in some silly Shrek 2 review I found on Google news that I had no reason for reading! Jesus christ! :O
-- snee

IwhileWHILE : drugs alcohol sex money
I had sex with April while drinking alcohol, which mixed with the drugs I had smoked earlier while counting money.
-- Cybo

thy'rWEIRDscrs : cars, trucks, the car show, cannabis
While waiting for the bus on my way to work, after a few big morning bong bowls, I found myself contemplating the oddness of automobiles, how they're the most mechanically complex/highly manufactured objects in our midst, how their ubiquity gives an impression of ubiquity of advanced technology which is not actually the case -- much of what we use in day-to-day life is much, much simpler than cars. And so on! How weird they look and stuff. I just thought about them a lot. Then when I got to work the "car show" was on! Jesus christ! And cars were everywhere! And hundreds of people running around like ants jabbering about cars! It was shocking. It took me a moment to recognize the synchronicity at all, since it seemed natural to see this car show after having thought about them so much. But then I realized I had no reason to think about them so much! Holy crap!
-- snee

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