Thursday, February 23, 2012

next things

[18:07] Jamos: Battlefield 3
[18:07] i still weigh nothing: hey, battlemech
[18:07] i still weigh nothing: what are you doing
[18:08] Jamos: back to game
[18:08] i still weigh nothing: i'm watching a genetic cellular automaton i wrote at a hotel
[18:08] i still weigh nothing: i made a neural version too but it doesn't make the same art
[18:08] i still weigh nothing: i haven't proven this version makes the art
[18:08] i still weigh nothing: i changed it from when it did
[18:08] i still weigh nothing: but i tried to change it back
[18:08] i still weigh nothing: it was wild before
[18:08] i still weigh nothing: i'll never get it right again
[18:08] i still weigh nothing:
[18:08] i still weigh nothing: i've seen some next things
[18:08] i still weigh nothing: as a realist i work to explain these things
[18:09] i still weigh nothing: in Civ 4 if you get the Oracle you get a free technology
[18:09] i still weigh nothing: when i made my genetic cellular automaton wider than it was high, it started drawing ripes
[18:09] i still weigh nothing: ropes
[18:09] i still weigh nothing: weaves, polymers, knots and ties
[18:09] i still weigh nothing: useful in marining
[18:09] i still weigh nothing: basket weaves
[18:09] i still weigh nothing: if we got to the point of having a high speed genetic CA
[18:09] i still weigh nothing: without having invented the basket
[18:09] i still weigh nothing: we would have got it for free at that point
[18:09] i still weigh nothing: high tech emits low tech
[18:09] i still weigh nothing: like exhaust
[18:09] i still weigh nothing: machines tumbling out of machines
[18:10] i still weigh nothing: can you picture how beautiful that is
[18:10] i still weigh nothing: it's like DMT

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