

RBCP's Archive of Stuff

Pals From Nearby That I See Relatively Often

Clemn XL - This is Clemn's site, it is very good. Clemn is a resourceful, well-meaning fellow who, like me, is losing his mind to drugs, magic and identity extinction. Go team!
Cyan0sis - Cyan0sis is a very smart chappy who always has something nice to say.
Shemp - Shemp is my shy artsy girlfriend. Her name is Emma. She will party your socks off if not handled with care. She's been to the malt plant.
Dain Bramaged - This is Bryan's page. You don't hear about him quite so often now that he lives in Aurora but believe me when I say his plight is very much like the lost Beatle's. He's been to the malt plant.
Krall - Krall and I run a chain of excellent Mexican hostels. He's been to the malt plant.
Wizdom - Wizdom had a weird dream and made a weblog because of it. You have to click the big dumb eye. He's been to the malt plant.
David - David is a chipper fellow with an extensive personal pantheon, a thriving system of spiritual practice and theory, and now a brand-spanking-new web site!
Deli - Deli is technically a very oldschool friend of mine from Orillia, back in the day when I was stealing dial-up internet access from the local ISP using the rotary club's account, and IRC'ing from a hacked account on Scandinavia Online. Brr. We were like, fifteen back then. Thank god we're all adults now.
Dan - Dan is a guy I know from like, grade four.
Matt - Matt is also a guy I know from like, grade four.
Dave - Dave is a guy I know from high school. He's been to the malt plant.

Pals From Far Away That I See Relatively Rarely

PrussianSnow - PrussianSnow is the first person who's smarter than me who would talk to me. He's in England for a little while now, having adventures. He's got a new page now but I think the old one is still around too.
NFF - NFF is a friendly fellow who used to live in Ann Arbor and now lives somewhere far away, or maybe there again. His LiveJournal will tell you for sure! He takes photographs sometimes, it's something about art. He's been to the malt plant.
T7G - T7G is from Detroit. He has gone to Canada a couple of times which I hope to do some day. He is pleasant in demeanour and knowledgable in the art and science of mycoculture. He's been to the malt plant.
RBCP - Maybe RBCP will get mad at me for filing him under "pals" when I'm so exceptionally ugly.
Sema4 - I met Sema4 on my own but he turned out to be a co-worker of a sysop friend (Deli) in Orillia who I'd lost touch with. Weird, eh? Sema4 is an amiable fellow and faithful barrie2600 devotee, although he has now moved out west and started a new meeting there. I need one of his servers to live. He's been to the malt plant.
Mordac - Mordac let us talk him into a lot of ridiculous stuff when he was still living in Toronto, which he's not. It was fun! When he came back from the crazy place he lives once we showed him the Power Puff Girls movie. Once he hit a wombat with his car. He's been to the malt plant.

People I Met Through Barrie2600

Faber - We met Faber at barrie2600. He was like, "you mean you guys are barrie2600 AND UEC?" He's a civil disobedient at age fifteen, just like us, but with more direction and more Internet! Remember that, fellows? Wot wot.
KodeKrash - KodeKrash has a ton of computers. He runs Linux and hates perl. However, unlike most of us who have a ton of computers, run Linux, and hate perl, he's making money at it. He's got more animals than you can possibly guess. We hacked config files for eighteen hours the other day.
Lucious - Lucious is actually a Guelph2600 guy, but he, like all Cool Kids, hangs out on #b2600. Sometimes we talk about Linux and pot.

Three Of Emma's Friends

Persnicketus - Strangely, Persnicketus has been present at almost every major psychedelic experience in my life, and she became a crucial part of each. My conversations with her were a font of endless revelation on a wide variety of occasions and chemicals. And even if that was the only reason you should like her, you should. But she does other stuff too.
Karmatosis - I don't see Karmatosis very often but I like her so what the heck.
Daffybroad - Daffybroad writes and acts, which is twice what I do.

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