Day 7
Ok I've been watching the skies seven nights here's the log as far as I can
remember it
Day 1: I finished conjuring, evoking and summoning synchronicities with
Terence McKenna recordings and a blue light showed up low on the western
horizon. So I got up to my window to watch it until it disappeared cuz it
was big and bright and strange looking. Once it was gone, a big craft with a
body like a reference to two wings and a body, like an italicized lowercase
letter 'u', flew overhead and into the distance to the northwest. When I
looked up at it, it had two large, fuzzy white lights on underneath and a
green light like them, but in the moment I focused on it an extra white
light came on which stayed on as it left. But it became indistinct as it
left as if it was above the clouds which no I think it was too low to be, to
be that big in the sky. Moved at a regular speed for the distance I judged
it to be and in a straight line. Later that night a yellow light came out by
a building across from mine and stayed still without tracking like the stars
until 7:30am, showing for three or four hours total. I think these things
are alien words. It moved behind the building eventually though. The blue
light became UFO 1, the craft became UFO 2, and the yellow light became UFO
3. Those are indexed below for convenience
Day 2: I was compelled to watch the skies all night and I was surprised how
many airplanes and helicopters there are. But, I didn't see anything I
counted as a UFO or a strange star (I didn't start counting strange stars
til next day) although I thought I saw two triangles, which is a shape I
figured a distant plane might fail to resolve to with my Cogentin-ravaged
vision which blooms, but they looked lit up kind of blue or violet instead
of having regular point light sources in white red or green. Not sure. Also
saw two brown cigars flying oriented like slash signs, with a red light on
the tip. Both triangles, and both cigars, could have been the same two
craft, not four, flying around, I don't know. Day 2 was still a bust though
Day 3: Eleven strange stars, some in formation, that didn't show up again til
nights 6 and 7 but I slept early on nights 4 and 5 so I'm not sure about
that actually. But that was after the fourth UFO I counted which I'm not
sure is a UFO anymore, a yellow light in the clouds that has tracked in over
my building like a normal star but looks too low in the sky, but sets like a
normal star. It lights up the cloud along kind of one axis though, it's
weird. It has showed up every night since then though, days 3 through 7.
At the same time on day 3 I noticed what's now classed by me as the 12th
strange star, too, a nearby bright strange point light source that set
normally on the 3 nights it appeared, days 3 through 5, but was replaced by
strange light 13 on the 6th night, the only night that star, dim and yellow,
has appeared, and by strange star/strange light number FOURTEEN the next
night, tonight, day 7, a middle-bright -white- light. But strange stars 12,
13 and 14 all track and set like normal stars so may be changes in its
luminosity, size and colour are from atmosphere. NOT SURE. Think that was
all day 3. Wish I remembered better
Day 4: Blimp, White, green and red lights on the bottom, like a wide bullet,
how it flew, I don't knew. It flew from the west to the east overhead.
Became UFO number 5 and large craft number 2. Nothing else special happened
Day 5: I watched and watched then while I was sitting down something with a
loud engine that turned out to be flying low overhead went by and I missed
it. Solid red and white lights reflected off another building's windows and
I thought, damn, if it was *not* an airplane, I would know UFO's make engine
sounds too. I think those are alien words, ok
Day 6: Can't remember anything special except Strange Star #12 was replaced by
#13, AND I saw a huge craft flying from south to north that disappeared over
my building, maybe it was close not huge. Not sure. It was moving at a
normal speed in a straight line. I thought because it had a flashing red
light that it was human or something but when it got close I thought it was
a brownish disc with the top pointed in the direction it was moving, and
lights around the rim. As it passed I saw it had lit instrumentation poking
out of the center of retreating side and, as I watched it, another white
light came on within these. Aaaa! OK so tonight I saw two more large craft
but I can barely remember about them ok
Day 7: OK so strange star #13 was replaced by 14 and then I saw what looked
like a helicopter at 30-45 degrees facing the ground. It flew in over a
building, did maneuvers behind the trees I see everything behind, looking
still like it was facing down, and looking at it thatway I thought I saw
rails on the bottom and a cockpit, but might have imagined that much. It
flew in with red and white and maybe green lights but most of them went out
so it only shone white while moving around behind the trees. Uhh. Then it
flew back behind the building it came in over and behind and turned 90
degrees to fly out over a building next to mine. I couldn't be sure it was
only a helicopter looking down or whatever so I felt pretty stoked and
called it UFO #7
Ok so still today, Day 7, I saw a second craft I'm sorry I can barely
remember but it might not have been human, UFO #8. It was big and brownish
and flying low, I -think-. Its underside showed different coloured lights.
It flew a flight path similar to the -last- large craft tonight, the
-fourth- of -five- large crafts, -this- was the fifth, the last -two-
appearing the same night, tonight. It reminded me most of UFO #5 of 8 which
was a blimp shaped thing, because this was broad and maybe boxier than that.
Just not sure. But it could really move for something that didn't seem to
have wings or blades
That's all for day 7. Index:
UFO 1: Night 1, bright blue light
UFO 2: Night 1, large airplane-reminding-me-of craft
UFO 3: Night 1, yellow light geostationary til 7:30am
UFO 4: Night 3-7, yellow light tracking across the clouds
UFO 5: Night 4, blimp looking thing with flat back end, red, green & white lights
On night 5 I missed a loud airplane I think and saw solid red and white
lights reflecting bright on the building across from mine as it went
UFO 6: Night 6, craft looking like the mothership from close encounters of
the 3rd kind
UFO 7: Night 7, looked like a helicopter facing the ground at like 30-45
degrees sort of but I couldn't see clearly though at one point I -thought- I
saw pontoon things and a cockpit. But I might not have cuz it performed some
wacky maneuvers then flew past overhead, um, it had lights that changed, like
it came in I think with red green and white but then had just white then some
red, as it maneuvered
UFO 8: Night 7, craft reminding me most of UFO 5, the blimp, a large
brownish thing I think with different coloured lights underneath. Was the
second large craft I saw on night 7 so I was startled from remembering it
I also saw a real airplane do a startling maneuver out my window on Night 7
but it wasn ot a UFO. It was silent of course not like the noisy one I
missed on night 5
You'll have to trust me about the so far fourteen strange stars. The last
three are changing places... the sixth one got behind some trees then
started to dance, I held my head still and could see it hitting branches and
passing through them so it was maneuvering, but it still tracked and set
like a normal star. The first four were in formation of a triangle with a
central point off-centre like a pointed pyramid near three stars that didn't
seem to be part of a constellation, which I didn't count as strange stars
but I don't know what they are. I don't know about the fifth through eleven
strange stars they will show up other nights