Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Fallacy of Christianity

16:29 < flamt_> uh guys
16:29 < flamt_> listen i was imparted some new info about christianity we were just a little too dumb to get ourselves
16:29 < flamt_> a few weeks ago
16:29 < flamt_> it is a moral trap sprung on our race. we have fallen hard for it, we were well suited
16:29 < flamt_> it's crypto homo erotic and involves a total moral transfer that makes you oblivious to guilt
16:30 < flamt_> the prohibitions and the nightmarish wars etc are diseases linked to falling for it but the worst thing is,
16:30 < flamt_> the ones who snared us with this religion, by tying it to a technology -- our calendar ... and giving us that
16:30 < flamt_> are watching
16:30 < flamt_> and won't do uplift til we don't like it anymore
16:30 < flamt_> and see what it is
16:30 < flamt_> so hear the shit out of that
16:30 < flamt_> ok
16:30 < flamt_> o_o
16:31 < flamt_> talking ancient astronauts here
16:32 < flamt_> the catholic church with all its power is a big fat joke [on] us [by] this moral test and manufactured virus that christianity is
16:32 < flamt_> a boil that we'd have to lance and drain at this point
16:32 < flamt_> i don't know how we can ever get christianity out by the roots
16:33 < flamt_> but it's what's keeping at least one race from helping us
16:33 < flamt_> i'm sure of it now.
16:33 < flamt_> >:|

sort of sure it's just too pat, eh. well good luck, flamoot