Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Fallacy of Christianity

16:29 < flamt_> uh guys
16:29 < flamt_> listen i was imparted some new info about christianity we were just a little too dumb to get ourselves
16:29 < flamt_> a few weeks ago
16:29 < flamt_> it is a moral trap sprung on our race. we have fallen hard for it, we were well suited
16:29 < flamt_> it's crypto homo erotic and involves a total moral transfer that makes you oblivious to guilt
16:30 < flamt_> the prohibitions and the nightmarish wars etc are diseases linked to falling for it but the worst thing is,
16:30 < flamt_> the ones who snared us with this religion, by tying it to a technology -- our calendar ... and giving us that
16:30 < flamt_> are watching
16:30 < flamt_> and won't do uplift til we don't like it anymore
16:30 < flamt_> and see what it is
16:30 < flamt_> so hear the shit out of that
16:30 < flamt_> ok
16:30 < flamt_> o_o
16:31 < flamt_> talking ancient astronauts here
16:32 < flamt_> the catholic church with all its power is a big fat joke [on] us [by] this moral test and manufactured virus that christianity is
16:32 < flamt_> a boil that we'd have to lance and drain at this point
16:32 < flamt_> i don't know how we can ever get christianity out by the roots
16:33 < flamt_> but it's what's keeping at least one race from helping us
16:33 < flamt_> i'm sure of it now.
16:33 < flamt_> >:|

sort of sure it's just too pat, eh. well good luck, flamoot  

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

ok so i actually have found like two things in math in my life

like if you sum or take the differences of powers of two that are more than one digit until you have one digit left, repeatedly, it prints this 487 512 pattern over and over. Like 512 is a power of 2. Pretty amazing. That's the last thing

But first I figured out after looking at some weird thing in another base, like, I don't know what it was but I tried all different things to find some patterns I thought I saw or something, and it kept breaking at different points, then I finally figured that if you make each digit of a number a different base, like use very large bases towards the most significant digit then load each position with some large value, you can't use like alphanumeric symbols then you just say the value of each digit in decimal, then like if the bases are multiples of 10 it prints the values you load it with, I used powers of 2, printed on a string of zeroes that diminishes in length

Well. That kind of seems obvious but that most recent thing I described first is most interesting to me right now. Try both. Here the critterdrug page has where you can try the summing thing with powers of two just say reiterhi, ok, and there are functions in there for transferring numbers between different bases that you could use to try the second thing I described if you want, like, I might just put up the script that takes a list of bases and a list of values and turns that number into a large decimal one, at some point, but at least I've described that here now. In case I die soon. Alright


Monday, March 19, 2012